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How to Develop a Custom Song Finishing Workflow

By Matthew Vultaggio

January 24, 2024

Finishing songs is a critical part of the music creation process. Here’s how to develop a custom workflow to efficiently complete your songs.

Step 1: Define the Finish Line

Understand what a ‘finished’ song means to you. This could be a fully produced track, a demo, or something else. Having a clear endpoint guides your efforts.

Step 2: Break Down the Process

Identify the steps required to finish a song. This may include arrangement, mixing, mastering, etc. Breaking down the process makes it more manageable.

Step 3: Set Mini-Deadlines

For each step in the process, set realistic mini-deadlines. This keeps you accountable and maintains momentum.

Step 4: Gather Feedback

Getting input from others can provide new perspectives. Integrate a feedback loop into your workflow, but remember to stay true to your vision.

Step 5: Regularly Review and Adjust

Regularly review your workflow and make adjustments as needed. This ensures your process remains efficient and effective.

Developing a custom song finishing workflow can streamline your process, making it easier to bring your musical ideas to fruition.

Some of my favorite music marketing tools

Thank you for reading this article, my friend, and I hope you found it helpful as you build your own successful career in music. 🙂

Click here to see a list of my favorite and most recommended tools and resources that I’ve personally used to get my music streamed over 5,000,000 times on Spotify as an artist (called Best Friends Club).

Any of the paid services or tools listed here are most likely affiliate links, so if you do decide to use any of them, I’ll earn a small commission. 🤗

But in all honesty, these are the exact tools that I personally use, love, and recommend to anyone – including my own friends and family.

"Copy/Paste" Your Music Promotion with The FREE Checklist I Used To Get 3,000,000+ Spotify Streams

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